Anyone who thinks church is boring has never been to this service. It is a contemporary interpretation of the ancient liturgy of the Church. The sound of our worship band unites the congregation in worship with a blending of styles including hymns and sacred liturgical music, as well as contemporary and gospel praise songs.
Join us in a seamless act of prayer through the opening acclamation, “Blessed be God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit!” to the final congregational response at the end of the service, “Thanks be to God.” The dynamic movement of our worship, reflected in song, readings and sermon, proclaims overwhelming joy, allows for quiet reverence, and brings us together in covenant relationship. We come attentive to the Word of God. The Old Testament lesson calls to mind our foundations in the Hebrew Scripture. We are children of Abraham. The New Testament lesson reminds us of the living faith of the first century church, of which we are heirs. And the Gospel lesson heightens our awareness of the resurrected Christ who lives and moves in the midst of us to heal us, to strengthen us, and to guide us as we reach out to others in his name. Our intention is to proclaim God’s glory in the beauty of holiness.