Stepping inside the doors of a new church can be a leap of faith on many levels, even for people who've been going to church for a long time.
Whether you've never been to church before, or you're a lifelong church goer, we want you to feel comfortable at St Timothy’s. We hope that you leave feeling renewed and prepared to serve as God’s hands in the world. Read an overview of what to expect on any given Sunday.
A worship experience of liturgy based on the Book of Common Prayer combined with contemporary and traditional music
An intergenerational congregation with young families and strong ministries
Faithful lay leaders actively seeking to discern God's call and responsive to dynamic leadership
St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church calls people to unity with God and empowers them to thrive in our changing world. We share the love of God and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed, striving to make a difference in the world.
St. Timothy's is part of the Diocese of El Camino Real. Several members of the parish serve as elected or appointed officers within the diocese. The Diocese of El Camino Real stretches from just south of San Francisco to just north of Santa Barbara. El Camino Real, named not for a city or state but after the Spanish colonial road from Mexico City to Oregon, is a diocese of 56 congregations. Our Bishop is the Rt. Rev. Lucinda Ashby.
The Episcopal Church is a Christian denomination with a rich Catholic and Protestant heritage. We believe in a God of creation, redemption, and constant presence and love. We believe that God's love and grace, which belong to all people without exception, are expressed through the Church, which is the Body of Christ. Our faith is not based on anticipated rewards or punishment, but on a free commitment of our will to do God's will.