Q: How can I make a pledge to St. Timothy’s?
A: You can pledge online via this Google Form.
Or you can download a pledge card to mail through the following links:
Or you can make your pledge via Realm.
Q: What does it mean to make a financial pledge to St. Timothy’s?
A: Making a pledge is promising to give a specific amount of your financial resources to St. Tim’s over the course of one calendar year.
Q: Why is pledging important?
A: Your gifts of time, talent and treasure make things happen both at St. Tim’s and in our wider community! For Episcopalians, stewardship — pledging back to God a portion of what God has given you — is part of maintaining one’s spiritual life. It allows us to reflect on the gifts God has given us and show our thanks. There is also a practical reason for pledging: St. Tim’s plans our entire year of events and operating budget based on the pledges that are received the year before. This helps us continue all the programs you and our church love and rely on!
Q: I give to the plate. Why do I have to pledge?
A: Thank you! We are grateful for your gifts and generosity. In short, you don’t have to pledge. Giving regularly is a vital spiritual practice that dates back to biblical times! However, pledges allow us to budget. If we don’t have enough pledged income, we may have to cut some of our programs and projects. Plate giving is a valued gift—like a bonus—but pledging allows us to plan.
Q: Where does my pledge money go?
A: 100% of your pledge money keeps St. Tim’s moving forward as a church. Pledges fund our pastor and staff salaries, music, education forums, building repairs, many of our community celebrations, heat for all our buildings, etc. It also helps us participate in ministries like Compassion Week, support Santa Maria Urban Mission, and supplement the Little Free Pantry.
Q: How much should I pledge?
A: It should be an intentional response to God’s gifts in your life. After looking at your income, consider what percentage you are called to return to God. No pledge is too small or too large. Your pledge is confidential. Our hope is that you become a member of our community and participate as the hands and feet of Christ in the world.
The act of pledging or tithing is an act of trust in God’s provision and blessing. At the original tithe in the promised land, the Hebrew people gave the first 1/10th of their harvest in service of God and God’s people. In other words, before eating anything themselves, before feeding their own families, the Israelites would tithe from the first fruits of the harvest. However much you pledge, make it a foundational commitment for your budget each month, trusting that God will provide.
Q: I am not a member. Do I have to join the Episcopal Church to pledge?
A: No! We would love to have you pledge and you do not have to be a member of the Episcopal Church (or any church!) to pledge. Anyone, no matter your faith, can be part of our church and we welcome you!
Q: Can I give stocks or other financial instruments?
A: Yes, this is a great way that may help you to offset capital gains. Please contact the treasurer for instructions for donating securities (Vance Wagner at dvwagner@gmail.com).
Q: Are my donations tax deductible?
A: Yes, they are tax deductible. St. Tim’s is a 501c(3) organization. You will receive a statement that details all the donations that you made during the year.
Q: Is stewardship all about money?
A: No, it is about a faithful, intentional way of life that deepens our relationship with God and one another. Stewardship is the responsible management of our God-given resources of time, talent, and treasure. To that end, the mission of St. Tim’s is to promote awareness in the congregation that God is the source of all that we have and all that we are. In Christ’s name, we have a responsibility to participate in the life of our church family and our work in the community – just as our church family gives to us.
Q: I have another question.
Please email the Stewardship Chair (Todd Hausman: todd.hausman@gmail.com) and/or our Priest-in-Charge, the Rev. Nikky Wood (nikky@sttims.org).