Stephen Ministry

What is Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministry is a lay pastoral care program. Stephen Ministers are trained to provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals who are experiencing a life crisis or transition. Stephen Ministry is confidential and those receiving care can be sure that their identity and what is shared in the caring relationship will remain private. Stephen Ministers are not counselors but rather someone who walks alongside, listens to, and cares for an individual in need of support.

“Christ caring for people through people” is the motto of Stephen Ministry. Providing spiritual care to someone requires commitment and training. Stephen Ministers are given 50 hours of training prior to being commissioned, and once commissioned, they continue to study and learn about topics such as forgiveness, death, grief, prayer, goal-setting, and spiritual growth during bi-monthly continuing education sessions. Stephen Ministers experience growth in their own faith through further study and through providing spiritual care to others.

For more information, please contact stephenministry at

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will other people know I have a Stephen Minister?
A: No. Your relationship with your Stephen Minister is strictly confidential.

Q: Will other Stephen Ministers know about me?
A: No. Only the Referral Coordinator and your Stephen Minister will know your identity.

Q: Are Stephen Ministers ordained clergy?
A: No. Stephen Ministry is a Lay Ministry.

Q: Is a Stephen Minister like a therapist?
A: No. Stephen Ministers are not therapists or counselors, and they do not give advice. They are lay people who have been trained to listen, to help you feel God’s presence, and to be supportive.

Q: How long could I have a Stephen Minister?
A: As long as you and our Stephen Minister/Leaders feel there’s a need.

Q: What is the first step?
A: If you feel you may benefit from a relationship with a Stephen Minister, please call the church office and ask to speak with a Stephen Minister, or email stephenministry at Be sure to provide your contact information so someone can get in touch with you. They will explore with you whether a Stephen Minister is the best way to help.

Stephen Ministry Healing Prayer

There is a Stephen Minister available at the side altar rail (near the cross) during communion at each service. If you are experiencing any sort of spiritual, physical, emotional, or relational difficulty, you are encouraged to come forward for healing prayers.

After receiving communion, come to the altar rail to be anointed with oil and receive laying on of hands and healing prayers by a trained Stephen Minister.

Stephen Ministers are also available to pray with people after each worship service.

Prayer concerns are confidential.

If you would like to explore an ongoing one-to-one Christian caregiving and prayer relationship with a Stephen Minister, call the church office and ask to speak with a Stephen Minister, or email stephenministry at The Stephen Ministry Coordinator will meet with you and prayerfully match you with one of the available Stephen Ministers.