About Our School


    The St. Timothy’s Preschool was established at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in 1961. Since that time, hundreds of young children have passed through our doors as an entry point to their educational journey. There is no underestimating the impact of a solid early educational experience. The early childhood educational environment has an enormous impact on linguistic, conceptual, and spiritual growth, and especially on the development of social competence.

    We are proud to have a beautiful classroom and professional teachers to care for and educate your children. We are also fortunate to have parents actively involved in school. We hope your whole family will enjoy the experience at St. Timothy’s Preschool and make lasting friendships.


    The vision of St. Timothy’s Preschools is to create relationships between educators, families, and students. From these relationships, we create a community; founded on respect, kindness, and the desire for mutual growth. We seek to honor individual uniqueness, help everyone reach their potential, and foster universal values.

    Within our community we create learning experiences that are both creative and organic, where curiosity drives the process of learning. Through intentional, play- based experiences we provide the tools for lifelong learning.


    The professional staff will encourage exploration and individual growth in a well- equipped environment that is stimulating, safe, consistent and nurturing. St. Timothy’s Preschool faculty is made up of teachers who have education and experience in the field of Early Childhood. Each of our teachers is certified in Early Childhood Education (ECE) by meeting or exceeding California State ECE requirements. All teachers participate in ongoing professional development and continuing education courses. Our faculty is sensitive to the needs of children and families and committed to quality education rooted in developmentally appropriate practices.


    We recognize that each young child has his/her own special ways of learning. Each child is a unique person with an individual pattern and timing for growth and development. The love of learning is best accomplished through active exploration, experience and interaction. Our many activities provide endless possibilities for creativity, exploration, and discovery. We strive to enhance each child’s natural curiosity and love of learning. Our programs provide opportunities for each child to master tasks that are appropriate to his or her individual level of development. Unique to our programs is our emphasis on joyful and meaningful experiences.


    St. Timothy’s Preschool is open to families from all faiths, nationalities and backgrounds. We acknowledge, celebrate and respect every family and consider diversity and cultural awareness to be crucial in fostering empathy, open-mindedness and helping all students feel more safe and confident.

    We embrace and model values, such as kindness, generosity, good deeds, empathy, respect to others and care for the creatures and world around us.


    We are committed to working closely with parents toward the welfare of the whole family. Parents are invited to visit the school, both before enrolling their child and during the child’s time at school.

    Our play areas include the classroom spaces, plus the outside playground adjacent to these classrooms. Our garden area is fenced in with large planter beds, pots and ground level planting for children to explore, maintain and harvest.