2021 Annual Meeting

2021 Annual Report

Access the 2021 Annual Report by click the image above

This year’s meeting will be held online via Zoom at 11:00 am, Sunday, January 31. The link and password to the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87115043076?pwd=ZFNwTVdqQmU4S0trMXQ3cUd3a3Q5Zz09
Meeting ID: 871 1504 3076
Passcode: 645346

We must approve a “Special Rule” to conduct our meeting online


For the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church

The 2021 Annual Parish Meeting of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church shall be conducted through the use of an Internet meeting service, Zoom, that supports voting and visible displays (i) identifying those participating, (ii) identifying those seeking recognition to speak, (iii) showing those called on to speak, (iv)showing (or permitting the retrieval of) the record of texts in the “chat” function of the application, and (v) communicating the results of votes. This electronic meeting of the Parish Meeting shall otherwise be subject to all Rules adopted by the Constitutions and Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of El Camino Real and the Bylaws of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church to govern its annual meeting, which may include any reasonable limitations on, and requirements for, members’ participation. In addition, the following procedures shall apply:

  • Members of the church over 16 and in good standing should sign in using the “chat” feature of Zoom as they enter the Zoom event. This electronic entry will serve as a written role. The role will be counted by an auditor to confirm a quorum.
  • Business may be conducted by unanimous consent by each eligible member raising their hand visibly in the Zoom video window. Votes will be counted by an auditor.
  • Each member is responsible for his or her audio and Internet connections; no action shall be invalidated on the grounds that the loss of, or poor quality of, a member’s individual connection prevented participation in the meeting.
  • Two votes will be conducted by unanimous consent (unless a nomination is received by the Senior Warden at the appointed time through a “hand raise” and then acknowledgement). The first vote is for a slate of candidates to be Diocesan Convention Representatives. The vote of “yes” in the “chat” feature ratifies the selection of: Bill Shreve, Amy Witzke, Bill McIndoo, Will Watkins, and Darlene Frick.
    The second vote is for a slate of candidates for Vestry. A vote “yes” in the “chat” feature
    ratifies the selection of: Fern Thompson-Fayer, Heather Myers, and Steve Peters.
  • If a candidate or candidates are added during the meeting, the vote will be held by using the
    private chat feature to a designated and trusted auditor. The vote must include three candidates or the vote will be invalid. A simple vote “yes” ratifies the proposed slate of candidates mentioned above. Otherwise, three candidate names must be submitted via chat. In this case, votes shall be deemed anonymous so long as votes cast by an individual are available only to the auditor of the voting system.

Sign on

When you enter the Zoom, please sign in using the “Chat” function in your Zoom application to write your first and last name. If there are more than one eligible voting members* in your household, please type each persons name in the chat.
*16 or over


There are two motions to vote or ratify: Vestry members, and Delegates to the Diocesan Convention. In both sets, we are presenting the exact number of candidates that we need to fill. However, it is still the right of the congregation to nominate another person(s). If no one is nominated, we will vote to ratify the slate by show of hands either using the “hand raise” feature of Zoom OR by physically raising your hand. If two members or more are voting using one device, you MUST use show of physical hands in order to count each vote.

If there is someone nominated at the meeting, we will have to hold a vote using the chat function. You will need to send a PRIVATE MESSAGE to Cindy Jarvis. This can be done by selecting her in the pull down menu in the chat box. In this case there are two ways to vote: if you approve the provided slate of either Vestry or Convention Delegates, you may simply vote “yes.” If you desire to vote for the person or persons that have been nominated day of meeting, you must provide the names of 3 candidates for Vestry and 5 candidates for Convention Delegates.

Diocesan Convention Candidates

(St. Timothy qualifies to elect 5 persons)
Darlene Frick, Bill McIndoo, Bill Shreve, Will Watkins, Amy Witzke

2021 Vesty Candidates

Fern Jaspers-Fayer

Fern Jaspers-Fayer

Fern Jaspers-Fayer, PhD emigrated from Vancouver, Canada in 2019. She’s extremely grateful for St. Tim’s vibrant community, which has helped her settle in Mountain View with her husband and young children, despite the ongoing Covid pandemic. She brings many years of experience on Anglican church vestries, boards and committees— and a wealth of enthusiasm.

Heather Myers

Heather Myers

Dr. Heather Myers has been at St. Tims for just over a year, but very much enjoys the parish and looks forward to serving the community. Before St. Tims, she was a member of St. Simon Church where she taught religious education for over 10 years with her husband Dan and was in charge of the annual advent wreath making event and a member of the Parish Life Group for five years. She and Dan have two children, Alexandria (19) and Steven (16). Professionally, Heather is the Chief Psychology Officer at Traitify, a personality assessment platform which helps job candidates and employers find the right fit through a fun and engaging experience.

Steve Peters

Steve Peters

My wife Teresa and I began attending St. Timothy’s shortly after we moved to Mountain View 8 years ago. I grew up and was baptized as a conservative Evangelical and was introduced to the Episcopal Church by Teresa while we were dating. I served on the St Tim’s Vestry from 2017-2019. I am attracted to the Episcopal Church for many doctrinal reasons, including an allowance for uncertainty and spiritual exploration, the openness of the Communion table, and especially the inclusion of women and the LGBT community in church life and leadership. We attended a few Episcopal churches in the area and were attracted to St. Tim’s by its welcoming community and child-friendly services. I am looking forward to more trivia parties.