Greetings St. Tim’s family!

This page will serve as a log of updates to be communicated. If you have something you would like to share, please email and we will get it posted.

Resources from the Episcopal Church on racial reconciliation

St.Tim’s Updates

Rev. Lisa’s “How to” on shooting your service videos at home!

Worship Opportunities

Family “Look, Book, Took” for Easter 2.

Compline on Tuesdays at 8:30pm with Cindy Howard –

Mission St. Clare offers daily morning and evening prayer services

Daily Lectionary – A collection of Lectionary resources for the Episcopal Church.

Service Opportunities

Helping St. Tim’s Members in Need
If you know of someone in our community in need of help during this time (calls, virtual visits, shopping, etc), or you would like to offer your help to others, please contact Chrissy Ulrey at:
Weekday Meal Deliveries Needed
10 hot dinners to 4 health compromised families residing in a local hotel. Looking for commitments to bring meals on a recurring weekday for 4 weeks. Cook meals at home and drop off at hotel door.
Signup at
Urgent need for 50 meals for school kids on Good Friday, April 10
You cook; pickup and delivery can be arranged.

Recreation Opportunities

Physical Distancing: Local Hiking Info

COVID-19/Work From Home

Diocese of El Camino Real’s Covid-19 Re-entry Plan

Do you need a mask? Contact Chrissy Ulrey

Virtual Well-Being website developed by Stanford to support its staff

Call in the Time of Coronavirus – Benson-Henry Institue

Seven Ways to Support Kids and Teens Through the Coronavirus Pandemic – The Clay Center for Young and Healthy Minds

Exercise Video from Mass General

How to Handle Isolation – Opinion piece in the New York Times from astronaut Scott Kelly