This year’s meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26, 2025
We will start with a Single Service at 10:00 AM (Nave and Livestream)
Then, we will process to Edwards Hall, fill our plates with yummy brunch food around 11:15,
and begin our Annual Meeting at 11:30am.
Childcare will be provided during the meeting from 11:15am – 12:30pm.
Greeting and Call to Order — 11:30am
Opening Prayer
Approval of the Meeting Minutes of the 2024 Annual Meeting
Wardens’ Report: Will Watkins & Angela Landrigan
A Look Back: St. Tim’s 50 years ago
Introduction and Election of Vestry and Deanery Delegates
Recognition of Retiring Vestry Members
Preschool Report: Sue Scribner
A Look Back: St. Tim’s 20 years ago
Treasurer’s Report: Vance Wagner
Priest’s Report: The Rev. Nikky Wood
Adjourn — 12:30pm
(St. Timothy’s is qualified to elect 5 persons)
Jamie Gainer, Fern Jaspers-Fayer, Jim O’Shea, Bill Shreve, Marguerite Williams
Joanna and I have been members of St. Timothy’s since 1980. We value the welcoming, caring community and all of our friends here. I have been active in church activities since I first served on the Vestry in 1983. Highlights of my service include three times on the Vestry, serving as senior warden, junior warden and treasurer, and special projects. These projects include negotiating the agreement with the doctors next door for sharing our parking, leading fund raising for purchasing the pipe organ and the purchase of the rectory, and co-leading the search committees in 1993 and again in 2010.
More recently my focus has been Creation Care. You may have seen my posts in St. Tim’s e-newsletter. I am running for Vestry because I think I can contribute a corporate memory of the many accomplishments of St. Timothy’s and witness to how we can accomplish amazing things when we work together. My specific focus will be to join in our efforts to become a resilience hub for our community. This work will begin with becoming a Green Church by completing the electrification of our campus.
My name is Jennifer Shumway and I am a California girl through and through. I was born in the Peninsula and raised Catholic by a Peruvian immigrant nurse and a native San Franciscan firefighter. I have always been passionate about health. I volunteered in hospitals, studied biology at UCLA, and eventually earned my master of public health from Boston University.
My husband, Michael, and I started attending St. Tim’s in 2005. We were drawn in by its warm and welcoming nature. Our two kids, Nicholas (17) and Kristina (14) have grown up at the church and were both baptized and confirmed here. I was received in 2018. Our family is involved in many aspects of the church. I was on the 2017 rector search committee, am a lector, and assist in sound tech; Michael plays the drums and percussion in the band and was on the vestry for three years; Nicholas and Kristina are involved in sound, streaming, acolyting, and singing.
I enjoy dancing and wish that I wasn’t so shy as a child. I have tried making up for lost time. As an adult, I have danced Mexican folklore, Spanish flamenco, participated in flash mobs, and started learning ballet a couple of years ago with a performance group. Dance is a wonderful hobby that fills my heart.
I was honored to be asked to serve on the vestry and hope I can make a valuable contribution.
I’m a long time St. Tim’s member. My wife Chrissy and I love the community, acceptance, and welcoming environment we’ve found in St. Tim’s. I really enjoy the fellowship and opportunities to get involved a church our size allows. When our kids were young I assisted with youth programs. The past several years I’ve enjoyed assisting with streaming and the sound board.
Professionally, I’m part of the Occupational Health team at Apple, and I manage the Ergonomics program, helping to reduce risk of injury, and keep our employees comfortable and productive.
I’m a California native. I grew up in Santa Cruz. Spent a couple years after high school living in Twain Harte, and enjoyed going to school, working and playing at the local campgrounds in summer and ski resort in the winter. I finished my undergraduate at UCLA, and then followed my future wife back to the Bay Area, where we’ve lived ever since.
I look forward to serving the St. Tim’s community as a member of the vestry.
Esther and I started attending the 9:00 AM service at Saint Timothy when Kris and Mike Ellis joined the church (2010) when Paul and Sean were little and before Megan was born. It is one of my great joys to see the children of the 9:00 AM service grow and become active participants in the service. The music that Peter supervises is also a great joy and I am even learning a little about reading the music notes on the slides. I have been a church member most of my life, starting out in a Baptist church in Pennsylvania as a child. We moved to California when I was 11 and I became active in the Presbyterian church.
My professional career started in organic chemistry where I got my Ph.D. at Berkeley. I gradually became more interested in biochemistry and medicine and went to medical school at UC San Francisco and Interned at Stanford. I have spent my entire career doing pharmaceutical research in the drug industry and I am currently the VP of Clinical Development at DURECT Corp in Cupertino.
I have been a scout leader since my three sons joined Troop-37 in Los Altos and I am still actively involved in the troop as an assistant scoutmaster. I also teach snow camping, outdoor safety, and first aid for the scout council. Every spring, I teach backpacking with the Sierra Club and go on as many backpacking trips and camping trips as I can fit in. Saint Timothy has given so much to Esther and I and I would like to give back service to the church to ensure that Saint Timothy continues to thrive.