2022 Annual Meeting

annual report

Access the 2022 Annual Report by clicking the image above

This year’s meeting will be held on Sunday January 30, 2022 from 11:30 am – 12:30pm. There are multiple venues for participation:

Please Register on Realm  to tell us how you will attend, so that we can plan accordingly.

For those attending in person, lunch will be provided from 11:00am – 11:30am in the Courtyard following the 10am service. Childcare will be provided during the meeting from 11:30am – 12:30pm.

An Annual Parish Meeting is required in our Diocese, with rules specified in Canon 19.3 (page 31). The Canons were amended at the November 2021 Diocesan Convention to explicitly permit the Annual Parish Meeting to be “conducted in real-time, either or both in person or via electronic video screen communication using measures to provide members a reasonable opportunity to participate in the meeting and to vote on matters submitted to the members, including an opportunity to read or hear the proceedings of the meeting concurrently with those proceedings or such other means as may be allowed by the California Corporations Code for meetings of members of non-profit corporations.”

Sign on

The link and password to the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88586715017?pwd=MUMzb0hvS1JidXkzS2NINnlGWlJBdz09
Meeting ID: 885 8671 5017

Passcode: 574846

When you enter the Zoom, please sign in using the “Chat” function in your Zoom application to write your first and last name. If there is more than one eligible voting member (*16 or over and in good standing) in your household, please type each person’s name in the chat.


There are three motions to vote or ratify: Accepting the minutes from last year, election of Vestry members, and election of Delegates to the Diocesan Convention.

  • Accepting the minutes from last year – will be a simple “hand raise” in all three locations (Edwards Hall, Courtyard, and Online over Zoom). We will record “for” “against” and “abstain”, and ask participants online to ensure that we can see which household member is voting if multiple members are online.
  • Election of the Vestry – we would like to vote on the nominees as a slate (Ed Stedman, Will Walkins, Annett Trail – biographies below), using a simple “hand raise” in all three locations. Again, we will record “for” “against” and “abstain”, and ask participants online to ensure that we can see which household member is voting if multiple members are online.
    •  If there are nominations from the floor on the day of the AGM, or if anyone expresses a preference for a secret ballot (usually so that they can vote for some candidate(s) and not others), we will move to a secret ballot.  Onsite participants will receive paper ballots. Zoom households are asked to PRIVATE MESSAGE Bob Ulrey. Each household member may provide the names of up to 3 people for Vestry.
  • Election of the Delegates to the Diocesean Convention – we would like to vote on the nominees as a slate (listed below), using a simple “hand raise” in all three locations. Again, we will record “for” “against” and “abstain”, and ask participants online to ensure that we can see which household member is voting if multiple members are online.
    •  If there are nominations from the floor on the day of the AGM, or if anyone expresses a preference for a secret ballot, we will move to a secret ballot.  Onsite participants will receive paper ballots. Zoom households are asked to PRIVATE MESSAGE Bob Ulrey. Each household member may provide the names of up to 5+1 people (Delegates + Alternate).

Finally the budget and various reports will be presented, but do not need to be voted on.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Diocesan Convention Candidates

(St. Timothy’s is qualified to elect 5 persons plus an alternate)
Fern Jaspers-Fayer, Cindy Howard, Bill Shreve, Marguerite Williams, Amy Witzke

Alternate: Margaret Stedman

2022 Vesty Candidates

Ed Stedman – running for 1-year term extension to assist with transition

Ed Stedman

Hello, I am Ed Stedman and I have been attending St. Timothy’s since the summer of 2015. My family (Maggie, Eloise and Matthew) and I love St. Timothy’s; here we have found a welcoming community and a spiritual home. I grew up in Rhode Island as a Baptist but spent many years attending a small but wonderful Episcopal church in Boston. In 2011 we moved to Maryland and joined another Episcopal church in Bethesda. While here I was confirmed as an Episcopalian in 2013. Time spent at St. Tim’s has been a blessing to me and my family. Our kids have gone to preschool here and grown up in the church, we have developed friendships and connected with a caring and uplifting community. St. Timothy’s is a special place and I am happy to participate in the life and work of this church.

Annett Trail

Jonathan and I have been coming to St.Timothy’s for over 25 years.  We got married at St.Tim’s and raised two kids in this wonderful community.  Over that time, I have been involved in many ministries, from Godly Play, VBC and Youth Group to Loaves and Fishes, Beautiful Day and the Creation Care Team.  Professionally, I started my career in tech product management and, more recently, I rejoined the workforce as the registrar/office manager for the Foothill Middle College Program.  I would welcome the opportunity to serve again!

Will Watkins

Will Watkins has been a parishioner for around 25 years and has been grateful for St Tim’s as a family home. He served on the Vestry from 2017-2020, during which the previous rector search process matured, Lisa was called, and ministry teams were established. He remains closely involved in the musical and liturgical life of the parish and with the covenant group that has been central in providing spiritual support over the years. He is eager to help our community adapt and thrive in changing circumstances, as it has for all the time he has been here!